Why this project?
The project is made mainly ispired by the Global Warming situation right now, where here in our city, there was no snowfall this season. Even in the mountain parts, there is a fraction of snowfall comparing to 5 years ago. By most proffesionals, this is caused by the heat of the earth which does not allow snow to form. Last summer, t-shirts were worn to the mountain trips, another fact that justifies how hot the earth really is. The worst thing is, a lot of people are not aware of this happening and a low amount of the people aware actually cares. So, through this project I want to inform people, by using technology, their situation and maybe change something for our world and make it a better place for our descendants
How will this help?
An organization like this would help in many ways, all because the community could contribute in different ways like the ones mentioned in Take Action, and the ideas that the community gives us by contacting us through the form there. I believe that if this website reaches a lot of people, they can all get the main message of the project and someone even might have the courage to actually take over this website and create the organization which will be great, as there will be an actual change in the world.
Information about the issues
Deforestation is an act where people cut the trees in the forests for their personal or industrial use. The most common reasons for that are obtaining wood for fuel or manufacturing, agricultural reasons and construcuion. This has severe effects. Some of them are climate change, soil erosion, flooding, less crops, and many animals lose their home because of this. Deforestation is responsible for around 15% of greenhouse gas emissions.
Water Pollution
Water Pollution occurs when harmful substances get in contact with water in lakes, rivers, seas or oceans. Those harmful substances come from factories and other sources where they throw their waste in the water. Also ships and boats release oils to pollute the oceans and seas. Apart from this, it can also cause many diaseases from drinking it or even being in contact with it. It has a very bad effect of shortage of drinking water on earth.
Air Pollution
Air Pollution is air with harmful particles in it. In this era, air pollution has a massive rise and the most common causes are energy use and its produciton by burning fossil fuels. WHO.int says that nine out of ten people breathe polluted air and it kills seven million people around the world each year! To prevent this, we should reduce diesel/petrol car usage and start using public tranpsort or even better, bikes.
Climate Change
Climate Change is a real issue for our world. We can see it more and more as the years go by and the weather gets hotter and hotter. In 2023 winter season, our city has not seen snowfall and neither did the New York City. Human activities such as factories and cars are responsible for the global warming as it is damaging the ozone kayer which allows more sunheat to enter the atmosphere. What makes it worse, the actions we have don and are doing are irreversible.
Alternative energy
Alternative Energy Sources are a must for us if we want to live longer and leave something in this world for our descendants. Wind Energy and solar panels are already in use but they are sometimes costly, especially the windmills. Some other forms of Alternative Energies are hydro energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy.